

A broken Dogs Tail...Tale...
Once upon a time..
There was dog ,
who just wanted
to get back at least
the same amount of love
from them as he put into them,
but no matter what the dog done
or how hard he tried
the dog just couldn't seem to
get it right..
now this dog had
fucked up so many things
so many times with so many
them that after awhile they
just didn't love the dog anymore
and sadly even if one day the dog
really started acting obedient,
and even started actually
trying to be a good boy
they would forever treat
the dog as tho he was still
being the bad dog they always
known him to be
the dog had truly changed some of his old habits although it was such
a challenge for the dog he slowly
started eliminating bad hadits
for example here's a few differences the dog was starting to make progress toward..the dog used to go into there rooms or cars,and take their money, but now the dog doesn't do that anymore,
also the dog would always get fired
from or quit going to every dog job he had,he was a really bad treat eater would do any kind of treat in sight knowing no end,oh but the dog had his most favorite treat he'd use and it was the worst one for him then all the others and they would beat the dog bad when he wanted his favorite treat but oneday the dog even managed to give up his favorite, and starting using only doggy cbd and doggy Kratom,and well things with them and the dog was actually going ok
for awhile and it for once felt like
it used to when the dog was a little pup,but let's face it every dog has its day,and just so happens this dogs day had arrived, and
low and behold they started bringing the dogs favorite treat back around and totally aware was the dog that he could
just stay sitting where he was,
and not go sniffing out his favorite treat..the dog broke ,an he started back..so now the dog is really really down and out...howling at moon most nights,walking around with his head down, and his tail tucked..waiting to be put down,or hit by a car,or even poisoned by a neighbor...the end

© Aaron Stout