

Land of the Dead Volume 1 Part 1
(Disclaimer: the events of this story is not related to any real world events.

Also for context, the world this takes place in an era where the technology as around the same as those present in the 1940s)

David walked through the marshes clutching his injured knee. A piece of shrapnel had been embedded into it from an enemy air assault before he was seperrated from the rest of his unit. Staying in place would have been suicide as the Kings aerial bombers were almost on top of them. And so, David had limped all the way to the marshes, away from the battle. No sooner had he done so when the bombs hit the ground. The resulting shockwave threw him deeper into the marshes, luckily missing the trees and falling into the water, having suffered only minor scratches and bruises.

David felt his chest burn from the impact as he stood up. He was then surprised by what he heard. Silence. Complete and utter silence. He didn't here the hum of the vehicle nor the planes or even the sound of the conflict that was happening just 200 metres from where he was standing.

He momentarily thought the worst. Had they surrendered? Were his brothers defeated. Several possible scenarios ran through his head before he shook his head to get rid of such thoughts. Making such assumptions was dangerous for him. Especially when he is by all means behind enemy lines with an injured knee. With the threat of being caught in the crossfire gone, David walked to dry land.

He leaned into a sturdy tree before carefully rolling up his pants leggings. The shrapnel for fortunately not too deep as he clutched it and pulled it out. Pain exploded in his head when it got loose and he immediately bandaged it. After making sure the the bandage would hold up, he attempted to stand up. Despite some initial pain from his knees, he managed to stand up with a pained grunt before pulling out a map. His options were limited as he didn't know what had happened on the battlefield. He thought of sneak back where came before dismissing the plan. He instead opted to go through the marshes and reach a small hamlet a few miles to the east. The hamlet was in neutral territory belonging neither to the rebels or the Royals. From there, David could follow the lake until he reached one of the rebel controlled cities.

And so he began his trek not noticing the black humanoid figure a few meters behind him.


The trek through the marshes has taken longer than he had thought. The sun was setting yet there was no end to the marshes in sight. David didn't relish the idea of spending the night in the marshes, sleeping on the ground. The marshes held several dangers and that is excluding the possibility of being found by the army.

As he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly noticed a clearing ahead. He was also pleasantly surprised to see a small cabin in the clearing. It looked like he didnt have to spend the night sleeping on the ground.

David limped to the front door and knocked. When he didn't hear anything, he graped the handle and turned it. The door opened to reveal a empty cabin. We'll, not completely empty. The cabin had a table a chair. The fire held enough logs and kindling to help him pass through the night. David then went outside and set up a simple trap to help alert him in someone was approaching.

He went back inside the cabin as the dusk fell. After eating some of his military rations, he fell asleep next to the fire as he wanted to wake up as early as he could.


David woke up when some thing set off his trap. He immediately grabbed his rifle before creeping up to the window. He looked outside for any signs of movement. Just as he let down his guard, thinking it was just an animal that had set off the traps, he suddenly heard howling.

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