

Are MASKS the Ultimate Weapon?
The Covid-19 , though, is a microscopic pathogen, but has very well elicited its immense potential in terms of bringing an devastating upheaval of the humankind. People of knowledge, in almost every nook of the world, are suggesting worldwide, the measures that humans must take to fight back this demon efficaciously. Global trials for vaccine have already begun, but the results of success seem yet too far. Till then, we must have to be carefull whatever way we can. 'Precaution is better than Care' very aptly manifests itself in today's life.

Masks are being popularised as a potent weapon we can use to wage a war against the evil virus. Not just masks, but in combination with the concept of "Social Distancing" is precisely what everyone is talking about. But are Masks the Ultimate Way out?

Let's consider some points. Although masks prevent us from contracting the infected droplets, thereby, giving us a shield against that tiny germ, but does that mean that since that we are having a mask on, we don't have to worry about anything else. What needs to be kept in mind that this deadly ailment is contagious. It spreads via person, to person and also through articles used by infected persons to persons.

We must not forget that Masks may act as Double Edged Swords in our war against Chinese Virus, Covid-19. Proper disposal is of utmost necessity. Also the masks need to made up of a suitable fabric which doesn't let the virus in. The masks which are being disposed must not find their way into any water body or any other area of human interest.

It is still all in our hands, and we are the creators of our own destiny. We may come out of this crisis victorious or we may even make this worse.

Masks are the way out, but not a sure way out.