

I met a Vampire...
My name is Alex and I came here to tell you about a world you haven't known of at all. See we are all stuck in our reality of life, so to say in an endless cycle. Waking up, go to work or school and then the gym for some and sleep. With some fairly minor details in between, but this cycle keeps us all away from our life we ment to live. Some think here we go in religion, but you are wrong.

I just wanted to say how I broke the cycle and this one thing changed my entire life. This is all a cliché heading out to a forest and stuff happens. Blah blah blah.. but I did do it. I found a cave and what was odd was that in this cave there was this grand structure in it, somewhat resemble a castle. It is made out of cobbled stone illuminated by odd torches. At the back of it there seemed to also be a hole in the cave roof and it gave the castle a beam of light at the back. This was probably preserved as a hidden castle for a king of old if he were attacked.

It was getting late and my curiousity gnawed me. There was this odd well in the court yard were the sun had shone. It had a stench but worst of it was the skulls that blended a picture of horror in my head. What is this pool? Some greenish shards came up once it bubbled as I touched it.

I felt the evil of this place.. but where is the exit??? Was I in here for that long? Maybe the castle can keep me safe? I sure hope so...

© The cube said it