

The incident (part 2)
Lara was kidnapped. She got knocked out by a mysterious guy.

The next 4 hours went by,the party is over and her boyfriend Andy was looking for her,but couldn't find her,he called her cellphone to check up on her, but the phone was unavailable. He tried her mother's number:

: Hi Mrs. Jarden
: Hey there Andy, how are you?
: I'm good,have you seen Lara? I mean,has she come home yet?
: No, my dear,she hasn't arrived yet, why,what happened?
: She's not here. I tried calling her but its unavailable, and none of our friends saw her either.
: Okay, I'll call her now okay?
: Okay then, take care.
: You too son.
* call ended*

Her mother calls her several times, it's still unavailable. She goes to Andy's house, but she's not there,she then went to their friend, Jake's house,where the party was and she was not there too.
Lara's mother is worried sick and decided to call the police.
The police have already asked her mom,her boyfriend and friends about her. Unfortunately no one saw her last but her mom was the last person she contacted.

A few months goes by, and still no news from Lara. Her boyfriend Andy walks around the park and discovers Lara's phone and bag with all he belongings inside. He hands them over to the police.
They then inspect the place but nothing else was there.
They traced everything, found no fingerprints of the kidnapper,only Lara's fingerprints were found.

A year goes by......
Lara's mother was still shocked by her kidnapping, but had to work.

A couple days later. The police received a call from one of the neighbors who lives on the opposite side of town, informing them that they found a body of a teenager.
The police then goes to inspect the place and informs Lara's mother:

: Hi. Mrs. Jarden?
: Hi Officer Mike. How can I help you?
: I'm sorry to say this but we found your daughter Lara's body. She's dead. I'm sorry.
: What? No-no she can't be. This has to be a mistake,it can't be my Babygirl*crying over the phone*
: Would you like to see the body then?
: Yes, please.
: Alright then, it will be hard for you,I'll fetch you in the next 10 minutes
: Okay, I'll be waiting

Fifteen minutes later.....
*Noooooooòo "crying " this can't be happening, why did this happen who did this to her? Tell me it's not real*
I'm so sorry but she was raped,and physically abused too. Do you see all the marks and bruises all over her body?

A day later.
Her mother could not handle this, she lost her happiness, her boyfriend, couldn't forgive himself for ignoring her that day and he lost himself that day. Her friends are still in shock and doesn't celebrate anything for 3 years.

The police did an autopsy on her body and the fingerprints belonged to her ex boyfriend, Brian. He beat her up and then forced himself on her for revenge on leaving him because he was abusive. He was behind bars for the rest of his life.

The moral of the story: No matter how busy you are,always make time for others, you never know if this person needs help.
Never turn people away they need you,always remember that when you help others,they'll return the favor.

© T.Jafta