

a Movie...
.... * (chapter 3)

" Damn it twin is being held at a child looney bin and the lil light skinned chick from home eck class went and done the wildest shit do you know this jcat
slit her wrist on the girls bathroom floor the fuckin bathroom in the gotdamn gymnasium. Tripped the fuck out,...so now we're on a emergency 3 days off. Good I really wasn't feelin that bunk ass school of the dead anyway. I swear I was just talking to that girl some other ratchet ass hoodrats was bullying her by her locker talkin bout her acne., they was mockin her sayin that her name was pizza face and one of them hoes took out a red sharpie and drew lines on her face from bump to bump like connect the dot ain't that a bitch, I know right. My locker right next to hers so at that point I had enough so I turned and snatched the market from hoodrat #1 and then pointed it right between her eyes and said " Bitch ain't you whores got some dick to suck or sumthin" Hoodeat #2 was like " hole up who iz you?Iz you new here or sumfin" Dumb ass illiterate fuckin tramp. I said " Yall probably just jealous because homegirl right here gots all that long pretty hair and even with weave you hoes remain so fuckin baldheaded I can see what's on your minds." That made Shy'anne ( I do believe that was her name) burst out laughing them tears dryed up real quick. Still pointing the red marker between hoodrat #1 eyes I turned to the hoodrat #3 this bitch is a punk she ain't said shit this entire time., " And you what the fuck you doin bitch tryin to blend in with these grey lockers you almost do thow ashy ass." Matter fact " all 3 of you maggots can meet me after school at the ABC market across the street if you all truly want to have a problem with me or her."I heard Shy'anne take in a quick breath ... I looked back over my shoulder and winked at her then I turned back to them and stomped my foot and said "WHAT!" Like roaches do when you turn on the lights them hoe scattered. So I scrambled to avoid bein late to class I heard her come up behind me she said in a low timid voice " I'm Shy'anne thank you for that they always messin with me I hate them one of them is my cousin." I gawked at that and said " Let me guess the ashy one" she laughed and said " Umhum"Awesome. We parted ways and the next I saw of her was at the ABC market waiting for them hoes and when we seen them the took off running down the street. Now she has committed suicide " I can not wrap my head around that shit right there. " I muttered to myself aloud. Uncle 12 said "Around what shit baby rell uncle whus up see if I can't help you wrap yo big head roun it." This guy is crazy , no but for real he is. Any ways I give him the entire run down just like I did just a few seconds ago. Beans spilled he said " Hum hold on right there" he grabbed the cordless phone beside him and looked at his pager for a number and dialed the digits. After a ring or two someone answered and he stood up and began to pace the room and talk in a hushed tone. This worried me some but I knew when to stand down and when not . He hung up the phone held it out to me to put back on the receiver. Then he said " Come on love" Outside I asked " Where we headed unk.?" He didn't answer me he just went to his van and got in reached over and opened my door for me too. I took that as a clear sign that he didn't want to talk about it. So in silence we rode first to Tia Corrine's remember the lady and her two girls that the fat Spanish dude was ( key word was) fuckin with....well that's my tia Corrine. I never go inside I always sit on the porch with her girls since they always come out whenever 12 goes in.When he came out he handed me a bag and said " You drive to the girls mother house." I got in and drove there. When we got there I think he said go give her the bag or somethin I wasn't sure, there was so many people out in the yard police department Chaplin's from the church some random lookie loos all the shit even the Icecream truck pulled over to get a look...wasn't one person at the side of his truck not even him he was standing by the front bumper, no music playin nothing. I bounced out the van and seem like nobody noticed the 12 year old girl that just drove up in a big body A- team van walking up with this large black bag full of money. And I proceeded to pass them by like that there. Inside the house her moms was crumpled up down on the floor. I walked up to her and said real softly" Miss Donna I'm Kisha ...Ni'Kisha I was a classmate of Shy'annes and my family would like you to have this...I gave her the bag. As I turned to walk away she said " Who Kisha oh my god she told me about you baby come here for a second."She ended up being a really cool lady we ate and talked and and then I left her house she had given me her number and said thank you. Unk was a generous man with the heart of gold...and I loved him., so did everyone else. Shy'anne going home event was a real nice one white horses and white doves and everything huge a beautiful angel full length statue wings and all for her head marker... Wow and guess who sprang for the bill..... you know it 12 and that had nothing to do with that black bag from 5 days ago. Ima have to start some kind of blackmail or extortion, hold his dog for randsome maybe.... this man has a lot of mula clearly. Naw I'm just playin he'd give me anything I need... Always has he loves me and twin too, bit me more I believe I can just tell...Not my first dead body but my first funeral...

*( the end of chapter 3)*
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