

untouchable book chapter two
The next day I begged my mom to go to work with her because she was a long-term substitute for the class that Lee was in. I was so happy when I walked into the classroom because I could see Lee. We always texted during class because we'd have work time and my mom was a chill teacher. She would only point us out if we had lower than a B, she loved all her students too. She believed in all of her students and did not give up on them.

That night I went to the football game of two other schools because I figured that it would be fun and new experience with my mom. My mom went to the bathroom and Lee was there with his friends he was just messing around with his friends I smiled and he saw me but I didn't approach him because I didn't want to embarrass or feel that I'd embarrass him. So I sat by myself but he came by me with cotton candy and sat down and smiled he looked so goofy. I told him that I didn't want to get in the way of his friends and he understood that.

But then he turned to me and said "you know that you are amazing at sports right and you don't let anybody tell you you aren't. I mean I had to try to actually beat you and I didn't even beat you!"

I smiled and faced the other way

"And I care about you, I have since 3rd grade" he said

He gave me a hug and it was the sweetest embrace I ever experienced. I felt so safe in his arms and he smelled really good. He smiled at me as he walked away with his friends Aaron and Bob.

My mom came back and sat down. She smiled and asked me about Lee

"So, do you like Lee?"

"Yes I do, but it's complicated!"

"Does he like you?"

"I don't know!"

"Oh ok, well maybe you should I don't know be outside more try painting something interesting like basketball or create a poem about it."

"Okay, I will"

The next day I wanted to go to school but I also wanted to work on art and an art project since I was inspired. I put on my overalls and I grabbed my paint brushes and paints. I got some water and placed my easel facing my house. It was late in the afternoon and it was a friday I stood there and pictured something in my head I splattered paint on the easel and Lee came outside. He tried to see what was on my easel and he saw it was a flaming basketball, he smiled and he said he thought I was an amazing painter and that I was great at expressing my emotions.

"Wow all the colors are blended fantastically they really express your passion for basketball, can I have this?"

"I'll think about it!"

"You have a little paint splattered by your eye"


"Let me get it!"

He removed the paint splattered and was leaning into me about to kiss me and my eyes were closed

"Kylie! It's time for dinner" my mom shouted

Lee pulled away "you go eat your dinner okay?"


I was sitting upstairs after dinner and doing my homework from my homeschooling, and I got a text

"You do know you look amazing anyway, right?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean whether you're covered in paint or wearing pajamas with a messy bun in your hair you look absolutely perfect!"

"Awww, you're so sweet" I glanced outside my blinds in my bedroom and saw him looking at my window smiling.

"So, I have a question?"

"Yes?" I replied

"Well, I have never had a girlfriend so I don't know how to do this so I'm just gonna ask it ok?"


"Will you go with me to the Nevada Museum of Art, I see that you are interested in art and I really want you to go with me so I can learn about art more on Sunday I'll pick you up at like 11am?"

"Let me ask my mom okay? I will text you"

I was about to text my mom when Marissa texted me.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I am bored and I might go to the Nevada Museum of Art"

"Oooo. lucky you, hey can I come over?"

"Well I am pretty sure my mom would be okay with it, so come on over!"

Marissa came into my room and hacked my snapchat just then I got a message from Lee. The message said

"Hey, did you ask your mom about the Museum?"

"Ooooh, who's Lee?"

"It's nobody give me back my phone!"

"A nobody that calls you cute and perfect?"

"No" I started to blush.

"So who is Lee?"

"Remember that guy in like third grade that kicked me in the head with a soccer ball?"

"Yes, the guy you crushed on?"

"Yeah, it turns out he's in my mom's substitute class."


"Yeah, so how are things with you and your ex-boyfriend?"

"Oh, it's a disaster, I mean I love him, but I really believe that he loves me too but then again I don't know"

My phone buzzed and I realized I had a snapchat and a text message. I got a text message from Lee saying

"I can't wait for the next time I see you."

I remembered that I had to text my mom so I texted her

"Hey mom. On Sunday Lee wants to take me to the Nevada Art Museum, is that okay?"

She didn't respond so I checked my snapchat and it was from Marissa's ex, he sent a picture of his abs. I wondered if I should just keep it at that or if I should tell her, because if I told her then she might never talk to me again because her ex is going after me or if I should just keep it to myself, and if she found out she'd still never talk to me again. I decided not to tell her because I don't want her ex-boyfriend to influence my friendship with Lee. I mean Lee and I were just friends, and I'm not sure I want to change that because the minute I do I feel like everything could fall apart. I want to remain friends because it just feels right and I feel a relationship means we can never go back to being friends.

"So, who snapchatted you?" questioned Marissa

"Oh, it's just Lee"

I told him I wasn't interested in what he had underneath shirt that I cared about my friendship with Marissa and I didn't like him in that way. He's my best friends man I wasn't thinking about taking him.

I got a text from Lee

"Hey there's this party my friend throws it is kinda something I do every year, but I won't be going this year unless you go with me, so will you go with me it's Saturday one day before the museum?"

"Let me ask my mom"

"Okay, I understand"

I texted my mom

"Is it okay if I hangout with Lee and we go to a party?"


"Why not?"

"Because I think that you should study!"

"Please? I did study and Marissa is going!"

"Okay fine."

"Also is it okay if we go to the mall tomorrow?"

"Yes, you need some new clothes there should be some money in my purse!"

"Okay thank you mom!"

"Drive safe, no drinking and I love you!"

"I love you too goodnight mom!"

The next day, Marissa and I headed to the mall, and went to Victoria's Secret. I saw Marissa looking at some lingerie, so I did too.

"What do you think of this? Do you think Mark will like it?" she said as she held up some lingerie.

"I thought you guys broke up?" I questioned her.

"That was only because I wouldn't sleep with him."

"This isn't really my business but you don't want a boy who only wants sex from you." I stated

"Yeah, I know, but I really love him; I'd do anything for him!"

"I know it feels that way, but just don't do it!" I exclaimed

"Okay," she said as she smiled, as she went through checkout line and I waited.

We were headed towards Foot Locker when we saw Lee and a woman.

"Kylie I didn't think you'd be here. I didn't take you for a mall girl" Lee said

"Neither did I," I replied

"Hey Kylie, it's great to meet you! I'm Lee's aunt, Dawn" said Dawn

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked me

"I guess"

She pulled me aside

"I want you to know that I think you are a positive influence, and that you should be careful with him and that you shouldn't let him go to crazy parties or anything"

"Why not?"

"Well I'm guessing he didn't tell you about his parents right?"

"No, he didn't." I said as Lee glanced over

"His parents were druggies, they loved him very much but they couldn't take care of him so CPS took him away from them and I offered to step in so he didn't end up in foster care."

"Oh, I thought you were his mother" I replied.

"No, but take good care of him; he really likes you. He used to talk about basketball, but now all he does is talk about you, and I know he likes you!" she replied

"Well, now that we are here, why don't we all just go to some stores and go shopping?" said Lee

"Ok," I replied

We went into a store where there was a dress section and I remembered I needed a party dress. I went over and tried on a few dresses: a pink one, a red one, and a blue one. Then I was walking by the cashier and I saw a beautiful dress. It was purple, knee length, and it also had a belt. The belt was purple and there was a seashell in the middle of it. I knew I needed to try it on. Marissa and I stayed behind, but Lee and Dawn went ahead. Marissa told me that this was the dress to wear, it made my blue eyes pop out. We stayed at the mall until it was 4 then we went home. I went upstairs to try on the dress because I only had two hours to get dressed with makeup and everything. Lee made it to the doorbell and rang it. Marissa ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Where's Kylie?" he asked as he was being let into the house.

"Oh, don't worry she will be down in a second" replied Marissa

Everything was motionless and silent and then I came down the stairs, Lee started to blush

"W...wow, Kylie you look so beautiful"

I came down the steps in heels and makeup with the beautiful purple dress. Lee was wearing a white shirt and some nice pants.

"Thanks Lee, you don't look so bad yourself!"

The party was at a big house and people were on the lawn drinking. There was a pool in the backyard which is what I was afraid of. Many were wearing skinny jeans or shorts. Marissa told me she had to go to the bathroom, but I know that she just wanted to give us space. Lee's friends Aaron and Bob came by and gave him a friendly push and put their arms around him. They looked at me and then said

"Oooooh, is this Kylie that Lee won't stop talking about?" Aaron asked

"And the one that whooped your butt in basketball!" I replied

"Yeah, nice to see you again!" replied Aaron

"Hey guys, we will see you later!" replied Lee

Just then, a girl with a perfect smile and eye makeup and lipstick and fake nails. She was wearing a party shirt and a pair of very tight jeans. I was disgusted, but as she approached us people were staring at her ass. She was the kind of girl every guy would want.

"Hey there Lee, remember me? we have English together!" she put her hand on her shoulders and ran them down his arm

"Yeah I do" Lee replied

"Why don't we leave there's plenty of empty bedrooms upstairs"

Lee pulled his arm away from her

"Not interested, I'm here with somebody"

Neisha, my sworn enemy she looked at me as if I was a piece of meat she could chew up and spit out.

"Who is this girl Lee?"

"Oh, this is Kylie"

"Kylie? Oh my God! Hey Leah come here!"

Leah approached us in hoop earrings and a little too short of a skirt, with a little makeup and her hair flowed as she stormed our way.

"Kylie Smith? As in Fraidy Wady?" Leah said as she made our way by us.

"You should have stayed home during this party Fraidy Wady!" Leah and Neisha crowded me

She shoved me away from Lee and I fell to the ground.

"Come on, Fraidy Wady, fight back!" said Leah

I got up and gave them a scowl.

"You know what, none of you guys are worth my time, nobody defends me and nobody cares"

"Ooooh, nice comeback" Leah said sarcastically

"Come on let's take her to the pool" said Neisha and Leah agreed

They picked me up and carried me to the pool. I was kicking them to try to get away from them because of my allergy to water, but I gave up. I guess it was because I wanted to actually know what it was like to touch water to my skin. Marissa ran toward me because she was scared if I touched water I would be in danger. She tried to grab me out of these Neisha's and Leah's arms but I accidentally kicked her. They were swinging me ready to let go when Lee ran over and pulled me away from the pool.

"Lee, what are you doing she's not one of us?"

"You're so typical, picking on her because she's different, you disgust me!"

I pulled away from Lee and started to walk home with Marissa.

People were gazing at me as I walked away

"Oh come on Lee it's just a joke!" Marissa and I heard in the distance

"I like her Leah, learn it, and don't mess with her again! This is why nobody likes you!"

Lee ran after me.

I stared at the sidewalk with tears welled up in my eyes as I walked trying not to view what is by me. Marissa put her arm around me and rubbed my back. Lee pulled up by me in his vehicle

"Kylie, if I knew Neisha and Leah would have been there I wouldn't have gone I hate them so much they're so self-absorbed and conceited"

"R...Really" I said trying to hold back my tears

"Yeah, how do you know them and why were they calling you Fraidy Wady?" he questioned

"They called me that in third grade, remember when I used to wear a pair of brown water waders?"

"Yeah, oh I'm sorry!"

"It's okay"

"So why don't you and Marissa get into my vehicle so I can take you guys home?"

"Okay I guess." I replied

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