

"A Concept of online education"(An over-whelming boon for a younger generation the consequences of which can't be disregard ...!)
Online education, now a days, have
become a fastest growing trend in today's scenario, thousands and lakh of students from all-over the world, get an opportunity to enhance their experience on a newly developed platform to pursue their study material course, with quizes/tests and assignments by visiting and attending the classes on internet rather than assessing same content _(Degree course)_ physically ... it now have become an effective teaching tool for both the teachers as well as students range of online platforms are emerging these days like that of:
1- Google meet.
2-Google classroom .
3- Microsoft teams .
4-Zoom app (Highly preferred by an educational insitutions etc.)
All these platforms are available to make the process of teaching easy assissible with their own utilities to have online teaching experience more communicative ,interactive and expressive with ppts ,visuals, jamboards and so on .... organisations ingress these either with google suit and personal google account.
With google suit , one can attend up to thousands of classes and with google personal account, one can attend up to thirty classes only _(in terms of numbers)_
Google classroom, with classic features :
(Stream,classroom and people) helps students to explore more , also known for the effective communication among the students and teachers is much elastic and flexible in terms of its use .
But, as we all know, that everything have its own limitations too which can not be ignored and thus, they should be in lime-light as well :
Some of them are as follows:
1- Network issue(One of the most common and the biggest barrier to be acknowledge)
2- Voice cutoff.
3-Lack of clarity and many more ....!
Although these are some of the major problems which can't be neglect, and can be controlled by adopting some measures to overcome these ...!
Despite of the following disadvantages ,advantages are more in numbers and that is why ,online manifestos are increasing they by day and in huge demand especially in today's time of pandemic ,since the schools and colleges got to shutdown and as a result the academic year get affected everywhere the online education in today's era helps a lot in sustaining a huge loss of millions of students and millinials and provide them with a facility of acquiring knowledge whether it be at school or a college level from their home itself and that 's the reason why the concept of online education become fruitful and popular these days ...!

© Dev1996bu