

Blame The Blame
Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Tell us in story writing what you think about it.
One day, a girl of 18 years old was scolded by her mother for being prideful and arrogant. Her mother without giving it much thought told her that she's gonna fail in a moment of temper. Since she was a dental student she needed to study a lot but her seniors encouraged her to take it lightly.
She continued living her life without a care and studying nothing but enjoying life in her own way. The final exams had arrived and as expected without fail she failed all her exams. But she couldn't take it as she was a topper in her school days and college days. She started to fail the following exams too. Her life shattered.
Who is to blame here? Her mother? or her seniors? or herself? The truth is no one. The blaming game only hurts and it doesn't solve anything, not even a strand of hair. Her mother might have regretted and blamed herself too. Seniors wouldn't accept that it's their fault and they don't have to. That girl blamed herself all the time and in a way became a reason for her failure. Instead, if she had focused on her next exams and studied hard she would have succeeded.
You see, we know that action speaks louder than words but the truth is that the words carry the weight of hurting you or encouraging you. If she had told herself I'm gonna change myself or I'm gonna study well she would probably had become a topper again but she chose the other path.
Blaming others comes from the past hurt that we faced. We need to acknowledge that and overcome it. Take the council from elders, your well-wishers. It's always better to speak good things over you(not boasting) and encourage yourself from time to time instead of giving others a chance to point out their fingers at you or allowing yourself disappointed.
There's still time, hope and opportunities. Grab it, mould it and live it. Life is full of surprises, embrace it and enjoy it.
Live your life and encourage one another. You never know who needs it!