

Food for thought and meditation teaching with Evangelist Thokozani Ndinisa
How people should conduct their family?

A man are a head of a woman, this was initiated by God in the Bible in the Book of Genesis 3v16. A man, he is supposed to learn the family system, and should receive help from his wife. I am aware that we are living in different times whereby woman has power and voice to do some certain things. A wise man will not abuse his power when he leads his family. A man are expected to do the following things:

1. To provide for his family,
2. To make that everyone is safe in the family
3. To teach his family how they should live or do things that glorify God
4. To pray for his family,
5. To love his wife unconditional and children at all times,
6. To train his children how to overcome some certain challenges in this world
7. To teach his family how to obey God Commands
8. To be emotional and physical available for his family!

Now when it comes to a wife these are her duties:

1. She must be able to support her husband,
2. She must be willing to submit herself to the husband She is married to
3. She must be willing to help the husband in his vision he has for the family and in other areas when he needs help
4. She must be ready to teach her children how to overcome issues of life and how to walk in God ways
5. She must respect her husband
6. She must also love her husband at all times!

Family must be a place of safety and where people find rest. People should learn to love their family members and to be there throughout the stages they face as a family. Remember there's no perfect family, but families can do lots of things that makes them to be united. Without family, we will not have many human beings on earth. Families play a massive role in this world and every family should conduct themselves positively that glorify God and which is inline with God.

These are the ways how families should conduct themselves:

● Families should have each other back
● Must be able to forgive one another
● Must live in peace and in love at all times
● Must do positive sacrifice for each other
● Must not abuse each other in whatever you can think of
● Must not destroy each with negative words
● Must not speak bad about each other
● Must be able to solve issues with physical fights
● Must run away from having public fights
● Shouldn't name and shame the members of their families in public
● Must be able to respect other and to be willing to listen towards each other perspective
● Should pray together and eat together
● Must be able to raise children together
● Must be able to provide shelter for their family members

I know we don't need perfection for us to conduct ourselves in a way that pleases God. Remember that family starts in God and God alone was the one who created or started family for mankind. May families find a way how to work together even in misunderstanding.

~ Thokozani Ndinisa Creative literature Content Article © Thokozani Ndinisa Qoutes