

All About Coca Cola

All About Coca Cola

Research Work

On August 25, 1951, the Ministry of Public Health found that neither Pepsi-Cola nor Coca-Cola contained any narcotics, alcohol, or pepsin.On August 25, 1951, the Ministry of Public Health found that neither Pepsi-Cola nor Coca-Cola contained any narcotics, alcohol, or pepsin.

Health Journal

Health Benefits of the Coca Cola

Coca-Cola, due to its carbonation and acidic properties, has been reported in some medical literature as an aid in digestion, particularly in cases of indigestion and constipation. Some healthcare providers even use it therapeutically to dissolve phytobezoars, a type of stomach blockage.

Research Work

Drawbacks of the Coca Cola

The role of sugary drink marketing
Beverage companies spend billions of dollars marketing sugary drinks, yet generally rebuffs suggestions that its products and marketing tactics play any role in the obesity epidemic. [38]

In 2013, Coca-Cola launched an “anti-obesity” advertisement recognizing that sweetened soda and many other foods and drinks have contributed to the obesity epidemic. The company advertised its wide array of calorie-free beverages and encouraged individuals to take responsibility for their own drink choices and weight. Responses to the advertisement were mixed, with many experts calling it misleading and inaccurate in stating the health dangers of soda.

Adding to the confusion, studies funded by the beverage industry are four to eight times more likely to show a finding favorable to industry than independently-funded studies. [39]

It’s also important to note that a significant portion of sugary drink marketing is typically aimed directly at children and adolescents. [40]

According the Tib e Nabwi Saww

Sweet cold drinks are favorite drinks of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Saww. Imam Ali As

Hadees written by Dr. Scholar Syeda Kiran Zehra Bukhari Naqvi Health Coach IIN NYC USA

So, take sugary drinks in moderation!! Since, it also have benefits of good health!!