

Hue and cry
TheyThe hue 'n' cry
Twas late past twlight
Twas late past curfew
what do we tell master?
That we got trapped at the gate?.
If so, then we tell false.
Rather we forsake the message,
and fancied vanity
If get caught at this hour
we can't but forsake the lie,
truth to the court
and truth to the parish
Alas we got caught
by the stone hearted portar
all effort to plead went down
as he rang the 'Hue and cry'
we all looked pale,white and dry
we're ruined
we need no ghost to tell us that.
Tappers,flashlights,torches were popped
into our eyes
by blockheaded men of various sizes
We spoke to our legs
oh! What a mess!
That our fate has blossomed into
that our legs get trapped in the thickets
with loud sounding ryhmes
We were chased by jerks
chased as criminals
ambushed like animals.

© Hunchodavckky