

The way to god from the soul
@Aaroh2979 for the suggestion and idea, thx. Now here it goes...........

I was starting to feel so cold and numb and like I couldnt move until I saw a light, I thought it was just my brain cells playing tricks on me becuase, (realizes he/she died) I died...
but he felt his soul flowing out his body and like that he slipped out and looked at himself and the damage that has done he decided it was best for him to move on and say goodbye and he flew away but then he ran into the light again and he walked right into it to avoid the darkness and he saw there the man he never thought would actually meet, but there he was standing befor him, The man known as "god" told him what happend and he gave a choice to either enter or he could get another chance, he asked God if he did this for everyone, he said only for the ones who arnt ready to let go yet, well he said I'm ready to go, becuase itits it's my time and everyone has a specific time and reason to go so I'm ready, I entered the kingdom and I was amazed, just like i imagined and that was the end of it and I was allowed to check up on my family whenever I wanted and give them signs to have the power to move on so, that concludes this story thx again to
@Aaroh2979 for the amazing idea ♡