


Before you decide which medication is right for you, it’s important to understand exactly what your body is going through.
You’ve likely heard the terms stress and anxiety used interchangeably, however, these are two very different things. Stress and anxiety share many of the same physical and emotional symptoms. Both can take a heavy toll on the body.
It can be difficult to spot the differences between the two, however, it’s pertinent that you understand and can identify which you are struggling with.
Stress is what your body does in response to a threatening situation. Anxiety is a reaction to that stress.
Once you’ve determined which disorder, if not both, is clouding over you, you can properly begin treatment. CBD oil works well to treat both stress and anxiety, however, some anxiety disorders may require additional medications or therapy.

“It was found that CBD has a clear Anti-Stress effect after either acute or repeated administration, attenuating the behavioural and automatic consequences of acute restraint and anxiogenic effects of chronic unpredictable stress.”

-Dr. Jose A Crippa - Department of Pharmacology , Faculty of medicine Ribeirão Preto, University of Sao Paulo.

Head over to CBD Store India to learn more. (cbdstore.in)