

Outlander Who Once Caught The Wind - Part 1
"The Kaedehara Clan was once a famed samurai clan. It's a pity that by the time the noble name passed to me, the title itself was all that was left. But it is enough for me. A samurai has no need of a lavish life — we find all that we need in wine, song, and the blade in our hands"
Said the autumn samurai, Kaedehara Kazuha,

The Kaedehara clan of Inazuma was once a famed samurai family. However, they had fallen into dire straits by the time Kazuha was due to inherit. As much as he was saddened and helpless to see his family broken and his future destroyed, he felt a sense of relief. With nothing to hold him back, he was free to wander the world as he wanted. You see, Kazuha has a unique ability to listen to nature.

Where another would hear nothing, Kaedehara Kazuha hears the clouds gathering for a storm, or springs suddenly bubbling to herald an earthquake. Nature has always spoken to him thus, and that always gave him a sense of wanderlust that will not be satisfied trying to handle his clan’s affairs. He wanted to see and hear all kinds of things, and that’s not going to happen with a legacy to take care of.

So he started on his journey as a wandering samurai, a leaf plucked by the wind, just like his name.

After leaving the city, all of nature became his home. With the sky overhead and accompanied by rushing waters and cool breezes, Kaedehara Kazuha wandered here and there, feeling more at home than in the city. The sounds of nature kept him safe, and he was free to explore and discover what piqued his curiosity.

One with nature an outlander can perhaps inherit the power of even the modest winds...

© Jaya Sharma