

Soul Hustle - part 1
The skin of my right foot, feels all wrong always. This is how I was born. The right foot looked if it had burnt and damaged. The right side of my body, in perpetual pain. Even internal organs somehow along with my increasing age seemed to have deceased within before I even turn twenty five.
The organs had to be removed ofcoz but the autopsy on those dead organs revealed them to be akin to organs of an aged woman, a battered one at that. The birthmarks on the right side of the abdomen looked like as if cut by a sword.
Often I have wondered sitting within the confines of my comfortable home, how did I come to this? Bound within the house, the vivid dreams that have now started coming even during the day light, and memories of something that I have not endured.
My soul feels tired, alone, sometimes frightened yet many a times brave. My tears flow at some random thoughts or...