

the freaking restaurant table .
We were planning to meet since a long time.... Actually not too long but two months for me was literally veryyyyyy long time because I was dying to meet him. I went to the restaurant where we were meeting, parked my scooty and saw him standing there outside a cake shop...light pink T-shirt had a blue collar paired with blue jeans. He had his beard and moustache just the way I like, a bit taller than me, round face. I walked forward right and went inside the restaurant. I had tied a stole on my face so he didn't recognize me while I walked right in front of him. I quickly took out my stole and fixed my hair and my phone rang..it was him. I told him to come inside and hung up. My heartbeat rose with every passing second. I heard his footsteps ascending towards me and in nervousness I stood up to welcome him and ouchhhh my thighs hit the table and i sat again..what a good start it was !!!!