

THE MURDER STORY (Fictional Story)
My name is Athulya (Fictional character). I'm 24 year old girl and living in a joint family. I was often sexually assaulted by my uncle aged 47 years. I informed many times to my mother but she didn't believe me. I was helpless and couldn't tell anybody else. I then decided to kill the disgusted man. My uncle who, who weighted 74kg was a daily smoker and drinker. I decided to take advantage of his smoking habit. When he went to bath, by wearing gloves I entered into his room and took the cigarette packets which was placed on the table I removed some chemical from his cigarette and balanced the weight by adding Strychnine (C21H22N2O2), which is a poison chemical when this chemical is inhaled, swallowed or absorbed it results in muscular convulsion and eventually die. The small amount of this chemical is enough to give the perfect result. It metabolises within 46-60mins and the death caused seems normal just like respiratory paralysis which commonly happens in chain smokers and drinkers with no traces left. Also the chemical is present in human body in some amount ie., body weight × 1mg. It means that 74mg of Strychnine is already present in my uncle's body. The death is caused when this chemical reaches to 100mg in the human body. I added 26mg of Strychnine. My uncle habitually smoked and his respiratory tract got blocked. He died and no evidences were left behind.

I took revenge by myself without harming the reputation of my family.

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