

Friends Chatting💬
Frisk: So tell me, Papyrus, did you deliberately sabatoge your own electricity puzzle to help me?

Papyrus: Would the great Papyrus play unfair on any of his puzzle?

Frisk: Papyrus....

Papyrus: ... Yes. That puzzle hurt. And even though I turned the electricity down after I got zapped...

I was still worried it might hurt, and you looked scared...

And... even if my methods weren't conductive to capturing you...

... I just couldn't hurt you, human!

Frisk: Thank you. You know, this makes me like you even more.

Even when we weren't friends, you were looking out for me.

Papyrus: Well, the great Papyrus does strive
to be comforting and present!

Frisk: And he succeeds at it.

Chara: Flirting again Frisk.

Frisk: Shut up, it was a genius complement.

(by crazy bitch)