

Whisper-whisper the Tall Grass Part. V 'Finale'
walks back to his car. And he stops as he runs into his wife, and they stand before one another frotically thinking about his issues with her. And she was the one that said that she wanted a break, and so there she was in front of him.
With her dark brown hair with fair white skin tone that tightly snatches onto her womanly features in her face. And she had on a summers dress that she wore when they went to the town's fair one summer. And he walks right by her and heads to his car as he reaches his old Rav-four he opens his driver side door and he gets in he looks as his passanger side seat and looks at the hat that was this man who to was all nothing but very rude. To trespass and invade his property it his land and his alone.
And so he just starts his car. And pulls away from the sheriff's station and he continues he drive's to his old farm house and he steps inside his house and he closes the door behind him. And turns and walks from there - and he stops for a moment as he saw a door wide open and it was to a room that was the small room with a television set. And he walks down to the room and once he gets to the door and he opens the rest of the door all the way and steps inside. The television set was on and it was a film that was being played it was a home movie that he made with his wife.
And he steps in front the television and stands before it and then in that moment he was in a trance like state.And he stands there as Sheer comes out nowhere and steps up from behind Will and he was transfixed on the film that it was like a hypnotic. Sertatious thought that poisoned his mind, and he saw himself there in the film holding onto a hat and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Don't you see it Mr. Maddy that
you where the one who gave
me life. Gave me a name gave
me a purpose to help to tell
a story for which you decided
to write a tremendous ending that
could've ended your career."
"What ending?" "You know for what I speak about that dreadful play
about the life of a man and his wife
who live out in the country side in
a old farm house just like this one. And
now you see the ending in the movie
don't ya?" "To make the lie sound like
the truth."
"Correct." - "And how are you going to
do that?"
"Fix the ending"
"How to disguise the lie behind
the mask of truth, and now go
write it and finish what you've

And he reaches around Will and gives him his hat that he takes hold of it and then outside his wife came to drop because she was worried about him, and so she gets put of her car and then walks into. The house she hears a television that is on, and she goes to see where it was coming from. And she see's a door that was open to a room and steps inside and sees an old T.V. that was on and the movie was playing and she steps in front of and watches the movie. And she started to smile as it was good to see an old film of how happy she was and Will to.
And then she hears the door to the room slowly closes on her and there standing behind the door was Will. And she gets up. And stands before Will. And there she stood before her husband scared and afraid of him. With the words shaved into the wall 'Sether her' that went along the back of the door, and he had a pair of golden Sicisors in his hand and he was looking right at her. And he had a grip on the pair of Sicisors with two tail ends on either ends of the clippers and she was startled.

"Oh god Will you scared me"

And there was nothing but silence that filled the musk stale air in the room and Sheer steps closer to her and she starts to back up slowly.

"Will what are you doing with that

And nothing as he picked up his stepping speed. And then he lunges at her with the pair of sicisors in his hand and almost Knicks her as she gets by him and runs out of the room. And he follows her and steps out with her, and she heads for the door. She tries to open the door as Sheer comes up from behind her and then he smashes her head on
the door. And she falls down. And Sheer stands before her and looks down upon her.

" Will I'm so sorry about this
misses but your husband
refused my offer so I took
over for him."
"That's impossible."

And she kicks him down in the chest and he falls back she struggles to get up and she gets up and walks out of the door and Sheer grabs hold of her ankles and takes the pair of Sicisors in his hands and sticks the points in the back of her calf. As she cries in pain. And she limps out if the door and then she stumbles down the steps and rolls on the ground and then she gets up off the ground and she gets to her car and she tries to open her driver side door. And she gets it open and then Sheer comes up from behind her.
And he catches up to her. And takes hold of her arm and pulls her back out of her car. And onto the ground and she slaps him in his face and she limps back inside and she tries to run towards the side door and she forces the door open and she ran out from the side of the house. And then without a warning Sheer was there before she even got there. Then he gives her a big. Breaking thrust of a corocay maled that he found in the barn. And he breaks her back and he turns her over. Sheer spins the malted around in his hand, and he stands before her looking down at her. And she slowly lifts her head to look slat the man who was her husband, and her love. And so he slings the corocay maled over his shoulders; and he puts it down to his side as there came a sound like another car was coming down the driveway and up to the farm house.
And it was his neighbor Ellis who wanted to check out things because he heard some noises around there. And so Ellis gets out his truck. And she sees him and he looks inside and then he went around the side of the house and he stood on the ground and coming out from the side of the house was Sheer and one big swing of maled in his hand he broke Ellis chest cavity. And he falls to his knees and then falls over to his death.

"Why are you doing this?"
"Why?" - "Will misses because
your husband ain't good at telling
the truth about the lies he puts
down with a pen to a page. And
trust me I tried to tell him that
lies are a disguised of the truth
hidden well behind me a mask.
And he didn't believe me at first
so I gave a few options to either
let me take care of the words of his
own deccetfulness that he plagues
his audience with."

"What are you talking about?"
"Its hard to describe to a lady in
your position."
"Please listen to me? You - you
are William H. Maddy you are
a playwright a good one at that...
So this manifestation isn't real
you know that." "Yeah I want to believe
you trust me my
darling. I do but
the words aren't going to
work I was afraid tell you
this earlier but Mr. Maddy
isn't hear right now if you
want I give him a message
as you depart from this world."

And he stands over her again then he brings the maled down before him and there was nothing but a whisper where the tall grass grows.

And the few days Sheriff stops by the old farm house to see Mr. Maddy who was just returning from town he slams shut his driver side door. And Dan was outside standing on his porch waiting for him and he had few questions. And after that the sheriff forgot what he was going to ask.
And lets Will walk right by him and he heads inside he stops in his tracks and turns to face the sheriff.

"You know the last page of a
play is the most important part. Got
to get back to it, and so have good day

And so will let's the door closed in from behind him and he walks inside with few words on his mind.


As he stops for now writting his new play and leans back in his full of persvelis and full purpose.

'Only whispers can spell out the truth than lies only where a black abyss
for the hidden truth can be buried.
And where he added the body of his wife."
"It's only for him and him to know where the tall grass whispers its for him to keep it a secret where the truth lies."

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