

A Life Forgotten, A Life Remembered Part 21

Part 21
A Life Forgotten

In my head I tried with all of my efforts to move  the darkness that tried to keep me from seeing clearly.

I pushed, and shoved, finally breaking through the wall.
Piece by piece the puzzle started coming together. It all was falling into place.

Images that faded in and out began to stick, and we're becoming more defined.

The signature, my name written on a scroll in red. My blood, used to sign the contract, but it wasn't sealed until the ritual to consummate it was done.

I closed my eyes tighter, I needed to hold on a little longer.

The act to seal it, surrounded by shadows, witnesses!
Their whispers, I could hear their words clearly.
  " She's the one!"

  I lay in the center of the shadowy circle, waiting to be taken by Dominik.

  The price, an eternity of servitude.

I held up my hand, grasping the air to get a grip as the memories that came.

The exchange.....

  My eyes opened, and the words fell from my lips.

I said,
" For someone I love! "

  I clenched at my heart as I  fell to my knees.
I was desperate, and needed
someone, anyone to answer.

I said,
" You were there all along. Watching, waiting for me to fall apart. Waiting for me to call on you, but I didn't call you.
So you answered me while I slept! "

Dominik stood up, but said nothing.
Memories continued to come, and I looked at him as he stood there watching me.

I said,
" You were the only one who answered."

I closed my eyes again, and his face appeared in my mind.
Tears fell from my eyes as I held my hand out to touch him.

His smile, his beautiful  golden brown eyes looking back at me.
The love I felt for him, and the price I paid to save him.

  It all came to me, and I couldn't breathe.
Why can't I breathe?

It hurt so much, I felt my heart shattering again into pieces.
I was broken, and falling apart.

  I made my choice to change it all for him, for all of them, because my love is unconditional, and forever.

  The contract was finally sealed.
Darkness started to surround me, engulf me, and I welcomed it.

    I was dieing...

   I woke up to a different life. This life!

  I opened my eyes, and Dominik still said nothing. Not a single fuckin word came out.

  I stared at him as tears ran down my face.
He reached out for me, and I moved away from his touch.

I stood up, taking a step back as other memories of the night before played in my head.
Everything that occurred in these appointments.

I cried out,
  "Oh God!"

The torture, the brutal ravaging at a time when I was vulnerable.

Looking at Dominik, I felt so much pain, and so much hatred for the one who never answered.

Then I felt pity for Dominik.
Pity for the lonely demon who wanted more than just an eternity of servitude.

That is something I could not deny him, but Dominik wanted more.
He wanted the love I didn't feel for him.

Suddenly a piercing cry rang with excruciating pain throughout the room.

My thoughts had sent him over the edge.
A growl echoed, and shook the place, as a whirlwind spun sending everything in it's path crashing to the walls.

I cowered to the floor, shielding myself from the flying shards of glass that went through the air.

Glass was everywhere, until the last piece fell to the floor, then all was quiet.

I raised my head, and looked around. The place was destroyed by the violent storm that is Dominik.

I pulled myself  to the sofa that wasn't in it's rightful place.
I sat there with every emotion running through me.
  Anger didn't even top the feeling of betrayal.

I knew that I hurt Dominik with my thoughts just as he hurt me by putting me smack in the middle of the path of those I had left behind.

I tried to stand, but my legs would not move.
My heart was heavy for many reasons.
I wasn't surprised that my thoughts before didn't hold an ounce of truth, but why didn't Dominik know what I really felt for him.

I willed myself to get up, and moved towards the door.

It felt like a nightmare.
Only this time I wasn't asleep, I was home...


     Written by
Sarah M Gutierrez


© #SMG521