

Journey of a tribal boy in the wildness...
The land of the Waka tribes where the ocean meets the land of the forest under the clear sky from where almost all starts were visible from..
The son of the head of tribal group, yuwbhi whose personality was marked by courage , exploration and humanity was the soul of the tribal people.
on one fine night when the moon was showering its coldness and light making visible almost most part of the wild , yuhabi decided to explore the wildness of the forest.
being a tribal boy he was already exposed to most part of the forest, but his inner calling to explore the unexplored part of the forest always makes him restless .
Hiding himself from the eyes of his parents and other members of the tribes he along with his two friends started their journey in the unexplored part of the woods.
strange experience and new finding in this journey is going to mold their experience to its core...