

bbf until novi high😢
There are two boys by the name jam &Dam they are bff from basic school they want to novi high in September everybody know them from they was a baby everybody know that dam is a poor poor boy and jam is a rich kid.
one day dam parents don't have any money to send him to school so his mother said my son I don't have any money to send u to school this Monday morning ok mum dam said it's ok mum but dam bff jam want to school that day the first class of the day was science it was a group activity and jam and dam is in group together but dam is missing from school that day so jam as to do it my him self .tik tik the bell ring class is over said miss kay hand over the papers plz. everybody give the teacher the papers and walk out of the class room as jam give miss kay the paper and walking out as he reach the door miss kay said jam can I speak to u for a minute as he walk over to miss kay miss kay said do u hear anything from dam. jam said no miss I don't he talk his bag up and walk off he go and buy something to eat and go in the lunch room as he sit two boys walk over and said a u no jam said one of the boys in a angry voice yes that is my name ok hello I am tim and this is my bff kim we have a big problem here it seems like u don't know anything about novi high we know u are a rich kid and your bff dam is a poor kid and look we rich kid don't talk to the poor one because we are better than that u have to stop talk to him by tomorrow u hear mi he said in a angry voice and his face was red
To be continued❤💞