

Terror Nights part 7 final
Hello Guys this is Aarohi
so this is the last part of Terror Nights part 7 .
So enjoy .

In last story lil girl told every thing about this family and kidnapping and all also Mira is going to take a big step but what ?she is going to do let's find out .

#Terror Nights Part -7

(destination backyard of the college )Mira - (on phone )my Adress is ...

(Destination fornt gardan of the school )

Abbas - hello boss.
Boss- speak .!
Abbas - She is the topper of the whole collage from criminal department .

Boss - Are you crazy From my mind she knows. every thing about our take that and move on to Dubai that girl will be useful .

Abbas - Now?
Boss - When Indian police will come and worship you.
bushitt pack your bags take that girl come to Dubai and be sure girl should be alive.
Two Tickets are booked.

Abbas -okay .

phone disconnected

Abbas - She is a Very preety girl how can i but I will do for my country Dubai .

(destination backyard )

Mira - I have to go home quickly without informing otherwise Abbas .....

(quickly get in her car move towards the home)

Abbas - I have to go to criminal department after lunch .

( lunch period begins)

(destination School

Rikani- Hello Ravi .
Abbas -hello where is Mira ?
Rikani-Oh she called me and told today she is not feeling well so she is in sick room.

Abbas - (Mira make my work so easy)

Few min later .

(destination criminal department ,sick room)

(Abbas moved to sick room nobody was their )

Abbas - I think I should leave for home .

(Destination Rikani's house one military jeep arrived and 6 soldiers with rifel arrived and coverd all sides of Abhas house )

head - Who called us .
Mira -me.
head - Give all the information
Mira -
A guy named Ravi his Real name is Abbas Abeer.
In this house their one small he calls her sis
but she don't know any thing and she also kidnapped and threaten .
His intention are not good .

head - break that lock .

Lil sis - Mira di....

(many evidence found like Rifel , High technology phone etc )
Mira -Ravi's car is comming
head - boys take your position .

Abbas - what the hell .

Head -Take him to me .

Abbas - no Mira don't do I like you please realyy I am not telling lie .

head - Mira well done how do you know such kind of information.

Mira - I am in criminal department .

Head- Very good Jai hind!

Mira - jai hind .

( After 2 hrs what happened here .)

Rikani- every one ditched me what the hell happened here ?

so only this much was the story do you like it tell me .

Thank You for all your love and support.

© Aarohi