

Anger and Hate
In my dreams came a man and told me this story and he shown me what he saw...

Once there was a man.... He raise his two sons alone as his wife died giving birth to his youngest son..

He cared very much for the both of them, but his two sons differed like night and day.

People say he loved his eldest son more as he was more obedient to his father, but the youngest was a rebel. Eventhough people thought he spoiled his eldest son as in public he spends more time with him rather than his youngest, but little do they know he didn't give much attention to his eldest son accept in public, because his eldest son was more civil and obedient...

So one night after talking to his youngest son about his latest endeavour of being naughty. The man wondered how to teach him a lesson so he could finally the man he wish his son to be..

But then out of anger and the hate of the years building up he rather thought to kill his youngest son so that all his troubles could end.

So he thought he would poison his youngest son's food and then he would be rid of him. So the next evening he did what he thought and put the poison in the food bowl, but got confused and gave his eldest son the food with the poison and he died.

The moral of the story however is watch out what hate and anger can do to you.. You might make plans to hurt that person or act out in revenge and might get blinded or distracted along the way and lose that or those you tressure the most..