

Princess Jane {2}
It's a beautiful day in the kingdom of darona,the birds chirping happily,the squirrels running from place to place and best of all the castle looking ever so elegant on the mountain top of darona.

Inside the castle the king is having a meeting in his throne room and the queen is in her private enchanted garden tending her flowers,then there's Jane,the crowned teenage princess of darona.

With her skin ever so fai,with her gown swinging from place to place she frollics across the hall spreading her cheerful and happy spirit in the kingdom, lighthing up the faces of the people in the kingdom.

"Jane,Janeeeee!!"the queen calls.
"Yes mother am coming"Jane replies.

Jane rushes to meet her mother and she embraces her mother in a very tight hug.
"you look extremely happy, anything special happening today my dear?."the queen asks.
"ohh it's nothing mother,it's just the way the birds are chirping,the way the sun is shining...it just warms my heart and it makes me ever so happy"Jane said.

"you're so difficult to understand sometimes"The queen chuckles.

Suddenly a loud noise erupts from the village square and the queen and Jane quickly rush to the balcony to see the cause of the noise and when they got there they smoke,but not an ordinary smoke it's color was dark red and it perishes anything it reaches.

"oh my sweet lord!"the queen exclaims.
"mom what's that"Jane asks.
"I don't know my dear...let's get inside"the queen says.

while the king was still in his throne room a group of people suddenly rush into the palace shouting "help us,help us your majesty!!."
"what's the matter"the king asks in concern.
"sire we were just going about carrying our daily and completely normal activities when suddenly a large explosion happened and it covered the whole village square and everyone that was covered in it turned into skeletons and they faded away....we manage to escape the smoke but the explosions are still going on....sire what do we do!?.
© Lucky.E