

Unheard Voices.(Its not a story. it's reality).
It's really sad to think about the fate of our grand parents. The eldest, oldest and wisest of all. They do play an important role in shaping our minds. Old tales, mythologies, spooky stories etc... They brought light to these kind of things which we only get in our kindle these days. Iam not saying that believing to such things are rubbish. i dont agree with that. But it should make th children question about their existence. I do agree with that. Its a great comfort hanging around with grand parents. Maybe they don't understand the fire of this generation but they do know how to give away love unconditionally.
Sad to say that nowadays grandparents are nothing but people, persons who live with their sons and daughters and - in-laws. They are being seen like people who can look after the home when the sons, daughters and in-laws go for work. We forget to ask how are they feeling specially emotionally. We forget their unheard voice which keeps on saying "Wish i could get some rest".
The worst of all, we see them as machines. Getting the given task done whatsoever it is. Yes. i do understand this is how the world has become. But the least we could do is give them their own space even for a while or take them for a walk or help them serve the meal, or understand them in every possible way. They are old but never old to care for us. I dont know what iam gonna do when the same situation happens round me. But i do know that i will understand them, atleast i would give a try in every possible way i could.
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