

love full of pain
So lets start for the beginning when she lost herself. She was in high school and her freshman year was heart breaking she was hurt by the first boy she loved. But she loved him so much that she rather had him as a friend then not at all. She knew he liked her but he just pushed her away instead of given in to what was there. Not soon after all of that she started dating someone she liked him alot but she still was in love with her friend but she had to push that a side. When she started dating someone her friend didn't like him snd he didn't know him. he would mess with her all the time and flirt and he had a girlfriend. Later on down the road her and her boyfriend broke up for the first time then they ended up getting back together. it was moving smoothly and it was good but then the school year was coming to a end. they had to talk about what they were going to do for next school year as a couple and they were having a slight problem. Because he didn't want to be in choir anymore and that was the only class they had together but he was willing to stay in choir for her but she didn't want him to do something that he didn't want to do so she said "I don't want you to just stay in choir for me,i want you to stay in choir if you want to be in choir."But she got so upset and overwhelmed that at lunch she broke down crying and her friends were there to help comfort her the best they could but they never take anything serious. Then she got home from school and her and her boyfriend were texting and talking about next year and he said he didn't want to break up and then the next text he sents is "we need to break up, i love you." It was so confusing and it hurt she became very sad that she was done with everything. Sophomore year she ate lunch with her first love and it was just the beginning of more heartache. probably 2 months into the school year her first love wasn't coming to school so she texted him constantly she was worried because she was hearing storys from people at school. He answers her a few days later and found out he ran away because his grandma wasn't good to him and he couldn't do it anymore. she would next him time to time to check up on him but she didn't know that on september 9,2019 would be the last time she would ever get to text him. On september 10,2019 he had died in a car accident at the age of 15 and his birthday was on october 4th so it was hard she was torn she felt lost he was her everything she just became deppressed and she just wanted to be alone she was angry sad and hurt. Sometimes she wished she was in the car with him so she could have died with him with out having to live with so much pain.
© toxichurt