

Sad Melody For Broken Heart (you can copy it)
I still remember those days 😁♥️💔
When we both couldn't live a single second without each other...
But look at us now 😊😊
Where are you 🤷🏻‍♂️?
Your promise 💔.. where is it?
😓 I really miss you so much... I can't stay like this... I am fighting through all those fears and pains
I want us to be happy like we used to be .
I really miss you so much 😊💔😔.

Go whenever you like...
The same way you did 😔💔😊
I want to feel everything again from the start...
Let's see where I was wrong😓
I will try to correct every mistake so that I could not have to lose you again😊💔💔
I really want to be with you
Then, now and forever until I close my eyes 😅😅
Do you feel the same way?
But I want to tell you a secret 😑
I love you so much and I will always do. 😁😁♥️
I miss you 😔💔
Take care of yourself😁😁
I love you stupid. 😅😅😅