24 Reads
Its highly contagious to neglect the root cause of an incident, or your distress.
You can't just breathe and thank god for everything you are blessed with.
You are definitely answerable and blameworthy for your silence in a chaotic situations where your word or your efforts could make an positive impact.
Be socially active.
Humanly active.
None of us, is disabled on humanitarium level. We all are willing to encourage, support and correct each other.
Speaking about current affairs, I am immensely disappointed.
What The Hell is going on??
At a same time, I believe, Even Government officials are humans. With certain incapabilities, fear, ethics, restrictions. The actual criminials are "we" & then we start victimizing each other.
Just personal opinion.
I hope you have a better say!
& I hope, I pray you express it as well.
At the right time, to the right person.