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Behold -- something which needs keen observation for anything, like at the moment of Everything is observed
whatever things you carry have two major qualities-- Weight (grief),
Worth (Actual thing, that we need)
it's an inclination of heart, as it never focus on moment but joy
it's a great one unless it invite problems
as we, oath or swear to be good
we never follow it tomorrow
as today it passes like it got an impact
I don't owe the rights to hate peoples, they are, they as to be...
but if Loving someone isn't wrong
hating someone isn't too, but with appropriate reason that can be done...
whenever I feel yellow like to be totally good, I myself console that I isn't a saint to be in....
human have black....and white....
normalise accepting things as it is, but don't be to alert in that... alertness slips the opportunity, accepting and adjusting your best in sense of intelligence creates your opportunities...
many times I feel like a nothing, becz I compare me...
later I realised I became chill...
I've my talent and I'll grow elegantic in that...
Because I can...for my future
I can and I'll
it's tough but not impossible...✨
day by day I'm becoming... improved?!😌