55 Reads
Remember the days of lockdown and days now you're spending.
Too much difference isn't it?
I still remember how all the shops of market remained closed for months.
While walking I used to feel like I'm the only human on this planet. 😂
That's funny though.
Apart from the quote,
Isn't it absurd how somebody's disability becomes their identity?
It is.
No one is perfectly non-disable.
We all are disabled. If not physically for sure mentally.
I really need some peace.
Because the problem of overthinking is unbearable now.
And the fun fact 😂 is I'm having many ppl to ask me
'What happened?'.
It's just I'm not ready to share.
Nobody made me feel 'that' comfortable which don't prohibit me for sharing anything.
But I feel bit better by knowing
'I'm not the only one' 😂