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A holiday or a break is essential for each of us.

For those who 'Go to work', they get their off day.

What about those who work from home or at home?

The former can postpone the work asked of them... but the latter are in no position to because of the immediate of their work.

The Home makers, the home maintainers... they don't get a break.

And worse, their work generally goes unappreciated, taken for granted.

Their work gets credit only when they are unable to function, due to whatever reason. Then, the home is a mess!!

What do you think would happen if the "working" members share chores on the Fun day so that the Home maker too could have some time off? Even if only for a few hours? Would it make any difference?

Try it... and you will see greater understanding, cohesiveness and happiness in the home!

You will see the Home maker shine and strive to make the home an even better, safe, secure haven.

#homemaker #sunday #funday #week #share #chores #burden #understanding #guy3 #guy3specials