
10 Reads

God also helps them, who are willing to help themselves!!! God will send you 💡, people, thoughts, and opportunities, but you would have to walk the path, do the work, talk the talk! So get ready, either you can give reasons of failure or reasons of Winning... It can't be both!!!
An hour of yoga, changes your energy body so much in a different way, that success will flow to you, because your way of looking into the situation will change 360 degrees. In every situation of disaster, when you see an opportunity, how ever even life or your enemies could stop you from winning! You will win every game for sure 😃 We should take advantage of a Guru, who is here to make a generation win and make the next generation stay inspired, focused and back to nature from Machine World!
#InnerEngineering #Isha #HathaYoga #SuryaKriya #Sadhguru