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Most of us go through life pretending that we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down inside we do really want more.
We block ourselves and we use these words almost like we’re in a trance, like we’re sleep-walking through life, that we find ways to cancel out our dreams, that a lot of things that we want to do, a lot of places we would like to go, a lot of things we would like to experience, and we just stop at “but.”
But will cause you to hide out behind fear, but will cause you to come up with all types of excuses that you can validate your inaction and not acting on your dream. ”But” is a dream-killer.
But most people, you know what they do? Most people go through life quietly and safely tiptoeing to an early grave .
What you should realize is that greatness lies outside the comfort zone. So if you want to do something, if you’ve thought about something you want to do, take it head-on. Life will never be the same again.
Live your dream.