
13 Reads

Sometimes I really don't like being honest... but honestly.. my yesterday night was.. not like a usual night... it was dark enough to hide my tears... which was flowing continuosly.. Didn't slept the whole night...

Anyways.. today I had a quiz test.. on the father of our nation.. Mahatma Gandhi..
And today I came to know..
He had kids too 😂 😂 😂 😂
so farrrr I didn't knew about this... means he was married too.. 😂..
I can understand.. In Indian culture marriage is almost compulsory for every individual.. and you must have kids after 2-3 years of marriage.. Or else there's some problem.. in your dic* leave....
Hellish thoughts!!!!!

I'm laughing on my great knowledge 😂.. about gandhiji..

Anyways... wish me good luck..
I hope I get the 2nd prize at least..
I never want to come first!!!