
17 Reads

acrostic poem on "Happy Independence Day "
H onor in each Heart
A ncient echoes softly sing
P rayers on the Wind
P ulses quicken with the Light
Y esterday’s chains – now undone

I ndia rises – proud and Free
N ations watch with Awe
D reams of Freedom – pure and bright
E cho through the skies
P assion in the people’s veins
Every step a fight
N evermore to bow in Fear
D aybreak brings new sight
E ternal in her Spirit – strong
N ow the Dawn is won
C ourage in each breath
E very hand a shield of Hope

D edicated to the Soil
A wakened by the past
Y earning for a brighter path.

#writcoquote #writco #inspirational #independence #independenceday #sanhita @sage