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Young adulthood is a period of time where thousands of feelings and changes comes to our life. The more we try to understand it, confusions arises uncountably. Many people at this point even think of ending their life, probably followed by various challenges in life. In this stage of life, we experience different things that are new to us. This period of life is a kind of new beginning like reaching independence. Many people have to leave their comfort zone, the circles of family, friendships, habits etc. during this time. Crucially, our social, familial and economic roles comes to the peak. We builds personal relationships, family and goals of life. To be precise, this is the most dangerous phase of life for many, which includes unpredictable falls and successes. The better way to cope with the problems during this time, are being rational, possess goal oriented behaviours, hold self-respect, be confident, appreciate yourself, value your life, bring the best in you and be patient and hopeful.