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Have you ever jotted out a list of things you wanted to get done in a day,week or year but never achieved them?Well,that has been me for a long time.But how did i overcome procrastination?
PROCRASTINATION is the act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally.
Imaging you making a list of things you want to do, skills you want to acquire,books you need to read and suddenly, there is no energy or motivation to do them due to Laziness,Fear of the unknown,Lack of motivation,Negative mindset,a relaxed attitude and telling yourself that there's still time.
Procrastination is a thief of time that can kill your dreams and leave you at a spot where you still think that you have plenty of time but the truth is "time waits for no one"
I was able to over come procrastination by:
•Having a positive attitude to work.
•Set a time frame and stick to it.
•Get organised
•Avoid distractions
• Just do it.
it's never late