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the soul on qoutex—by LL—fact checked by Writco.in—Sat, Feb, 26; 6027—The final haiku, In Diary Of Xocai Of The Motley Thrones—jaunting me; because of time and tide. Yezebel, my wife, if i can still call her that—left us for 50-50. 3 days ago—with the help of Univerxal Pageantx Minixtry. Her dad the new owner; her new boyfriend, its old CEO. So, we both made mistakes these past 7 years. But taking our daughter, Aivaly, my raising—her only 6 yrs; granted she isn't biologically mine. It hurts. Her bio-dad both kind of deadbeat—the segway is as Yezi put it, "Leaving YOUR 1 year old son 'behind' and not hers to raise—calling us even." Well Even is sharing 50% custody—with his mom; an A-List Singer Of Ur—a mistake deadly for any unchecked marriage that hasn't hit Tabloidx—yet. I blew it, on her Annual Tour through Ontire, where I—we all lived, awkwardly crowded. Finding Xocai was as finding a soul mate—who in this age could fell? Not out of arrogance, but out of those thorny desires, refusing to dampen their encroaching wetnesses—staying ember as anything warm—found her—book—diary—life—as 4 of my favorite things: Calif Coffees with Cream—Chiriq Hot Honey—and Palpoa, or Brado Humbleweed.