18 Reads
Something needs their praise, I mean they deserve it...
I was coming back from college that time with my dad, as I look at the vegetables field of bottle guard, damn! how beautifully they grow, how wonderful they creeping on each other for support, too many things to learn...
my dad said, "This farm is owe by village head
he planted bottle guard this time,
look how beautiful it is, there's no harm in admiring things and loving people even it doesn't belong to you sky, beauty doesn't grow or glow for anybody's permission, only the almighty... love or admire anything, even if you can't get it, it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to admire it, your admiration should not cause disturbance sky, that's it...life is easy to live, you may got problems but I might say it all can be solved, absolutely you can solve... conflicts and greed starts in a soul when a man tries to get something which is not his... admiration on things you can't get, should not be an obsession sky...
even if you can't get what you love, you can love something other, life is not the end if you can't get something you love...
real love is letting it go, when it want to leave you sky"
I kept thinking..............