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A comment I wrote after reading a post I was inspired by, “you don’t have to feel hopeful about the future. It’s enough to just be curious about what is coming” (Belle_Rope, @writers). I haven’t felt the same way about wanting to die; To not be in such a reality that treats one another so unkindly. But I’ve also realised we can be curious! We can be curious, kind, journey on and make a difference by challenging the way we do things. by noticing what is not working… and thinking collectively about what can be done to change that. There is a lot of marginalisation that is stopping this from happening to the masses… but that doesn’t mean we’re incapable of pushing for better change. For pushing for fairer rights. Believe it or not, narcissism is not uncommon, neither is misogyny, or abuse. Human trafficking is the highest on record that it has ever been… poverty is highest in the countries the world thinks are the ‘happiest’.

everybody is suffering and refusing to ask for help in the fear they’ll never make it out. But if everybody stopped to look at themselves and why they are so traumatised… why they are so unhappy; I think that would be almost enough to change the world. ❤️