
52 Reads

A person that's capable and has a lot of talent, is working hard in order to achieve his/her goals- here represents the tree with a lot of leaves.

This person will always stay grounded and have humility, they will incline towards their very own nature and be kind towards others as well.

On the other hand, the tree with no leaves here represents someone that wishes for the ill of others, and has a negative impact overall.

This person may try to bring down the one achieving success or moving forward in life. They will retain the quality of jealousy and envy others.

A tree that stays grounded, contributes to the wellbeing of the society will always incline and be loved and cherished by everyone.

But the tree that gains ego after achieving success, and does not take any virtuous action will always be despised by each and everyone.

Instead of standing upright and being on the negative side, let's try and get on to the positive side and have humility and gratitude.

It's important to stay grounded, be kind towards everyone and spread love. Let us all take efforts and make society a better place to live and be in.
