

Dont come to my grave.
In shadows deep, where silence dwells,
Don't come to my grave when tolling bells,
For in that realm where dreams have fled,
I'll rest in peace, my soul's tears shed.

The world I've left, the pain I've borne,
In solitude, I'll find my morn,
No need for flowers, no words to be said,
Don't come to my grave when I am dead.

Let memories bloom in the hearts I've touched,
In whispered moments, I'll be clutched,
The echoes of laughter, the tears we've shed,
Don't come to my grave when I am dead.

For life's a journey, a fleeting thread,
And though I'm gone, I've merely spread,
Like stardust in the cosmic spread,
Don't come to my grave when I am dead.

Instead, in the world, let kindness bloom,
In every heart, let love consume,
For in your acts, my spirit's led,
Don't come to my grave when I am dead.

© hyimxng