

ssshhh stay under.
Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder,
Ssshhh, close your eyes,
For he is cold like ice,
Wait, what's that sound?
That's the sound of terror,
But wait, it's horror,
Don't let him feel you fumble.
He is ready to gamble,
Gamble with you.
Now, what will you do?
Wait, are you a coward?
Then why rumble?
Wake up do the first tackle
Let's move forward
But wait, is he still around?
No! I can't feel him anymore
Is he a sniper?
Silence is his companion,
Like chicken plucked out feathers,
I feel the goosebumps.
No lights on,
Ssshhh, there's rattle of crockery,
Ssshhh, get back under,
But don't let bood clotter.
Ssshhh, he is tiptoeing,
Ssshhh, hold your breath,
He might sense underneath.
© kogi(uncleblacky)