

Boundless Echoes
In shadows deep where heartbeats blend,
A love persists, a darkened friend.

Through fractured dreams and silent cries,
It whispers soft where darkness lies.

No scars too deep to draw within,
This tethered warmth beneath the skin.

Imperfect souls with haunting pasts,
Yet boundless love forever lasts.

Though time may stretch on weary wings,
And fate may snatch away our rings.

Each glance reflects what words could not,
This sacred bond though fiercely fought.

With every wound that life bestows,
We find in pain the strength to grow.

For through the night and bitter strife,
Our aching hearts embrace this life.

Redemption thrives in tender care,
Forgiveness blooms in whispered prayer.

Age knows not love’s eternal dance,
Nor distance thwart a daring chance.

So here we dwell in twilight’s hue,
Each scar a tale a path anew.

For love like ours defies chains,
In sweet resolve amidst the pains.

© matthewwwebster