

CPR killed me
In conclusion, this is how things stand right now

They are performing CPR on me

While I'm having an epileptic attack

The type of attack is Grand Mal

I was pressured to quit my medications

Nowadays, people simply think they know better

They are more knowledgeable than the doctors

So naturally, I listened to the people

The same people who are performing CPR on me right now

They are trying to save my life

They are trying to kill me doing so

It's ironic

I'm laying on my back while shaking on the ground

They could just turn me to the side

Who would actually remember that?

They are busy giving me CPR

They are trying to save my life

They are going to kill me doing so

I can't decide if it's their fault

Because unawareness is not a punishable sin

But ignorance is.

© Juliet Jeyn