

January 2010 (Awash in Longing)
The sky in my dreams,
No longer the same endless blue,
Since you slipped from my life.

My spring garden,
Once a riot of color,
Now a garden of muted hues.

The scent of morning mist,
Not as crisp as it is when
Your breath whispers near.

Where can I find now
The rainbow that danced after the rain?
Where can I breathe in
The air that still carries your caress?

Where do I now tread
Days bathed in the heartfelt light of before?

Where can I rest
This heart heavy with your absence?
Where do my steps wander
Now that you're gone?

Like fallen petals surrendering to the breeze,
Released from the tree's embrace,
Scattered by the wind.

Time binds my heart tight,
Teetering on the edge of despair,
I call out to you in my yearning,
But you are a phantom
In the halls of my sweetest dreams.

My love doesn't need to cage you,
Yet my longing reveres you,
A constant ache, a silent plea,
My gaze forever drawn to you,
Always wishing to meet,
Even if only in the solace of dreams.


These words I write for you
From the deepest well of my being,
A testament to a love that endures
Though etched with the scars of loss.

© 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑧𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑐𝑐𝑎