

Be Still
I am the eye,
and I am the storm,
creating havoc,
I am running amok,
causing destruction
to places I've seen,
bringing whirlwinds
to people I've been.
I am, I have
the Soul of Storms.
I orchestrate chaos.
To hell
with anyone,
I enrage
the waves.
But with hatred
and vengeance,
I am wrecked
with consequence.
And then one day
I was stopped
and tamed.
An overwhelming might,
I surrendered,
I was maimed.
There is peace
in His love,
There is calmness
in His voice,
And when He said,
"Be Still",
I finally find serenity,
and humbly obeyed,
Suddenly my chaos ceased,
my storm in the sea of Galilee rested,
as I lay beside His feet,
and met my Prince of Peace.

© iam.inkedsoul