

You're a sacrosanct who shouldn't be exposed to any form of violence,
You're a diamond which shouldn't be hammered ,
You're a bright shiny star which shouldn't be hidden under fear ,
You're a germinating seedling which will feed empty stomaches which shouldn't be exposed to harsh conditions ,
You're a novel which shouldn't be left unread ,
You're a stream of waters which shouldn't be left unsecured as many fetch from it ,
You're a story in the making which shouldn't be left untold to generations on how you overcame ,
You're an angel sent from above which shouldn't be contaminated with blood stains ,
Little mama , little girl step one in defeating Gender Based Violence is realizing your worthy and value ,
Mama celebrating yourself and appreciating yourself plays a part in stopping Gender Based Violence.
Day 12 of the Activism Against Violence among woman

© Mateo